ActiveX to JavaBeans

Gopalan Suresh Raj


This article assumes that you know how to create JavaBeans and have an understanding of COM.

There are a number of ActiveX components which have been developed over time, both for the Internet and for other software projects. In fact, most of the organizations and developers out there have all along been investing all their component development resources on ActiveX. A major limiting factor for these components is that they are platform specific and will run only on Wintel platforms. How do companies and their customers leverage their existing investment to gain an early foothold in the new JavaBean market? How do they convert their existing ActiveX and OCX components to JavaBeans?

In this article, we will go through one whole cycle of creating a simple, yet fully functional ActiveX control and converting it to a fully functional JavaBean which is 100% Java compatible. To illustrate the process, we will create a simple Progress Indicator ActiveX control using Visual C++ and convert it to a JavaBean using The Migration Assistant. We will work with the generated code to create the Progress Indicator Bean. We will then package it and run it in the Beanbox.

Note: This article is not a discussion of the theory behind COM. Except for a very cursory introduction, we are not going into all the intricacies of creating ActiveX components. There are tomes of other literature that you can refer to, to learn more about this technology from Microsoft.

An Introduction to ActiveX Controls

Like JavaBeans, ActiveX controls are functional pieces of code that are packaged into a reusable component which offers some guarantees about how it interacts with its clients.

As mentioned in the earlier article, an ActiveX control is a COM object. In its previous avatar, it was called an OLE custom control which had to implement at least fourteen interfaces. At a minimum, the only requirement to convert a Java class to a Bean is that the class should implement the interface You may know that Interfaces and classes defined in the package java.beans have to be implemented as defined to make it a more useful bean. Similarly, an ActiveX control at a minimum has to implement one interface - The IUnknown interface. Implementing the other thirteen interfaces is optional for an ActiveX control. Reducing the number of interfaces to implement, makes it possible to create smaller and faster controls. The beauty of ActiveX controls is that they can run as-is not only in Web Browsers but in a wide variety of containers. Visual C++, Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Delphi to name a few, are some of the containers that can run ActiveX controls. ActiveX controls feature a two-way communication with their container, and they can interact among each other.

Interfaces required for an OLE control:
1. IUnknown
2. IClassFactory or IClassFactory2
3. IConnectionPointContainer
4. IDataObject
5. IDispatch
6. IOleCache2 ( optional )
7. IOleControl
8. IOleInPlaceActiveObject
9. IOleInPlaceObject
10. IOleObject
11. IPersistStorage*
12. IPersistStream*
13. IPersistStreamInit*
14. IProvideClassInfo
15. IRunnableObject
16. ISpecifyPropertyPages
17. IViewObject2

* denotes that an OLE control has to implement any one of these interfaces.

ActiveX Controls on Visual C++

In the early days of Windows programming, even creating simple programs involved a lot of the same repetitive code where the programmer had to specify dozens and dozens of options. Visual C++ simplified this repetitive process by creating wizards. Visual C++ ships with five "wizards" that are used to simplify developing your Windows programs. It also ships with a lot of example code. So when creating Windows programs, you use these wizards to generate the skeletal application framework on which you can build.

There are three ways to creating ActiveX controls using Visual C++.

ActiveX Template Library ( ATL )

This is a library, based on C++ templates, that allows you to create ActiveX interfaces in a simplified fashion. ATL can be used to create single-threaded objects, apartment-model objects, free-threaded objects or both free-threaded and apartment-model objects. Writing ActiveX controls using ATL requires intimate knowledge of how OLE controls communicate with their container.

BaseCtrl Framework

This is an example shipped with Visual C++ that you can use as a starting point to create ActiveX controls. It is much simpler than ATL, but still requires more knowledge of OLE than MFC.

Microsoft Foundation Classes ( MFC )

This is a C++ library written to simplify a lot of Windows programming tasks including creating ActiveX controls. This is the simplest method to create ActiveX controls since MFC controls are easy to write. When programming using MFC, your focus is on your control’s behavior, not on the intricacies of OLE interfaces.

The MFC Way

Since creating ActiveX controls through MFC is the easiest, let us use this method to create our sample control. You don’t need to have an in-depth insight into MFC or Windows programming to follow this. Sit back, relax and work along each of the steps described below and you will see how easy it is to create ActiveX controls with so little effort and understanding.

The Progress Indicator ActiveX control

Fig 1 : Shows the Progress Indicator ActiveX Control running on IE 4.0

The ProgressIndicator control ( see Fig 1 ) is an ActiveX control that displays a progress bar. It has a Percent custom property defined through which we can set its indicator. It has a Width and a Height property to change its dimensions. It exposes stock properties Backcolor and ForeColor. (We will discuss Stock Properties in the section on Properties). There is an AboutDialog() custom method defined. But there are no custom events that it responds to.

Creating our Control

Let us now create the ProgressIndicator ActiveX control using the Visual C++ Appwizard. From Visual C++ ver 5.0 select "New" on the File menu, then select the Projects tab. From the list of Wizards, select the MFC ActiveX ControlWizard to create an ActiveX control using MFC. Fill in the name of the Project as ProgressIndicator and the Location i.e. the directory in which you want the control placed. Ensure that the Win32 checkbox is checked under Platforms. Click on OK.

Fig 2 - Shows how to create the ProgressIndicator Skeleton using Visual C++ ver 5.0 AppWizard

Clicking OK will start the MFC ActiveX ControlWizard. While it looks as though you have two pages of options, there are really three. You access the third page by clicking the "Advanced" button on the second page. We are going to use all the default options, so don’t change anything. Just take a look at the options and click "Finish" when you are done. After you click "OK" on the summary page, the MFC ActiveX ControlWizard will generate your new project. At this point the project is ready to go. If you want to see it before we add more features to it, you may go ahead and build it from the "Build" menu or by pressing the F7 key. This creates the ProgressIndicator.ocx file. The default extension for an ActiveX Control is OCX.

The OLE Test Container

After building your control, it is easy to test it using the "OLE Control Test Container" that comes with Visual C++. Select "OLE Control Test Container" from the Tools menu. The Test container comes up. Pick "Insert OLE Control" from the Edit menu and select your control the "ProgressIndicator class" from the list box. Since we have not added any drawing code, we get the Control-wizard provided code, which draws an ellipse that fills the control area. You can see that the control automatically scales the ellipse by resizing the control.

You can view and change the the control’s properties, call its methods and view a log of events fired. You can also invoke the controls blank property page from this container.

The Simplest MFC ActiveX control

Unlike MFC applications which are huge, ActiveX controls created using MFC are simpler and smaller. At a minimum, they contain only three classes. The name of our sample control is ProgressIndicator and the names of our classes are :

  1. CProgressIndicatorApp - the module class,
  2. CProgressIndicatorCtrl - the control class and
  3. CPropertyIndicatorPropPage - the property page class.

CProgressIndicatorApp, the control module class is derived from COleControlModule which in turn is derived from CWinApp.

CProgressIndicatorCtrl, the control window class is derived from COleControl which in turn is derived from CWnd

CProgressIndicatorPropPage, the property page class is derived from COlePropertyPage which in turn is derived from CDialog.

Adding features to our control

Let us now go ahead and add features to the skeletal code that was generated for us by the Visual C++ ControlWizard. Along the way, we will discuss the features that standard ActiveX Controls should implement to make them what they are. As we discuss these features, wherever possible, we will see how they compare with the JavaBeans standard.


Properties are attributes of an ActiveX control just as they are in JavaBeans. One important way for a container to manipulate its controls is by initializing and changing its properties. Think of Properties as exposing the variables inside a control. When you insert a control into a container in design mode, you have a chance to set its initial properties. The control passes any changes that are made to it back to the container. The container is responsible for saving the properties the control asks it to save. The control reads and writes its properties in the DoPropExchange. In this way, the state of the control is persistent, and we say the control "Implements Persistence". This process is also referred to as Serialization in JavaBeans. It is the container’s responsibility to save these properties when it saves the control’s representation. When the container is run and creates the control, it must provide the control with these initial property values. In HTML pages, the properties are saved as <PARAM> tags inside the <OBJECT> tag that specifies how to create the control.

There are several categories and sub-categories of properties.

Custom Properties

Custom Properties are implemented by the code in your control. You will typically have a variable in your control class to hold these properties. As in JavaBeans, you can implement them via Getter/Setter methods to work in any way you choose. In JavaBeans, this process is called Customization. Customization is the process of configuring a bean for a particular task.

ClassWizard offers two choices when implementing a custom property - as a pair of Get/Set methods, or as a member variable. In general, using a pair of Get/Set methods is more flexible for three reasons.

  1. You can validate changes to the property.
  2. You can represent the data in any way you choose.
  3. If you want your property to be either read-only or write-only, it must be implemented with Get/Set methods.

You can specify only one "default" property. In the ProgressIndicator, Percent is the default property. Note that the default property shows up in the container’s property list as _Percent. This means that in your container, you can write:

ProgressIndicator1 = 20;

rather than:

ProgressIndicator1.Percent = 20;

Note that the default property shows up in the container’s property list as _Percent. You should not use this property. Use Percent instead. This extra property is an artefact of the way MFC implements default properties.

Properties implemented using Getter/Setter methods

This is a very flexible method and hence is probably the better of the two methods for implementing properties. It allows you to store the property in any way you choose. It also allows you to implement validation before setting the property values. It also allows you to create read-only and write-only properties.

When you create the custom property it is easy to make it read-only or write-only. Just delete the name of the Get method to make it write-only, or delete the name of the Set method to make it read-only.

The Percent property in ProgressIndicator is implemented as a pair of Getter/Setter methods. Use the Add property button on ClassWizard’s OLE Automation tab and type "Percent" in the External name drop-down box. Select short as the type, then click on the Get/Set methods. Check the method names, then click OK. To make Percent the default property, select it while on the OLE Automation tab and click the Default Property checkbox.

When you have done all this, ClassWizard will modify your dispatch map to include:

DISP_DEFVALUE(CProgressIndicatorCtrl, "Percent")

It will also modify your TypeLib source file i.e. your .ODL file to include the following:

[id(1)] short Percent;
[id(0)] short _Percent;

The fact that the second declaration has an ID of 0 is what makes Percent the default property. MFC takes care of the difference between Percent and _Percent.

ClassWizard also generates skeletons for the GetPercent and SetPercent methods. We can add the member variable m_percent using a right-click on the CProgressIndicatorCtrl in ClassView and add code to the methods as follows:

#define PERCENT_MIN 0
#define PERCENT_MAX 100

CProgressIndicatorCtrl::GetPercent( void )
  return m_percent;
CProgressIndicatorCtrl::SetPercent( short nNewValue )
  if( ( nNewValue >= PERCENT_MIN ) && ( nNewValue <= PERCENT_MAX ) )
    m_percent = nNewValue;
    InvalidateControl( );
    SetModifiedFlag( );
    ThrowError( CTL_E_ILLEGALFUNCTIONCALL, "Percent parameter out of range" );


GetPercent is simple, but SetPercent requires some explanation. First, we check to see if the value being used is valid. If it is valid, we set m_percent and update the control. InvalidateControl redraws the control and SetModifiedFlag lets MFC know that a property has changed.

If the value is not valid, we throw an error using the ThrowError member function. This function is only used in methods, including Get/Set methods. In other situations, use FireError to fire the stock Error method.

Note that SetPercent method will not be called when the control is initialized. Only the Percent member is changed.

Properties implemented using member variables

Another way you can add custom properties, is by asking ClassWizard to implement them as member variables. This way, MFC implements your Getter/Setter methods and you dont have to code them yourself.

However, this method has three major disadvantages:

  1. It is not possible to validate the value to which your property is being set.
  2. You cannot make the property read-only or write-only.
  3. The member variable has to be of the same type as the property

If the above disadvantages outweigh the benefits of having the properties as members, you can go ahead and implement them this way. For example, if the type of the read/write property is boolean, it makes sense to implement that property as a member variable.

ClassWizard creates a notification method which will be called when the property changes, by default. If we had implemented Percent as a member variable, we would have called InvalidateControl and SetModifiedFlag from this notification method. To implement a property as a member variable, click on Member variable in the last step of the wizard. If you dont want a notification method, clear the name in ClassWizard before you click OK.

Implementing Persistence

You have read about Serialization of JavaBean objects. The package provides object serialization in JavaBeans. Serialization is the process by which we "freeze-dry" an object by converting its state to a blob of data to be packaged away for later use. In ActiveX controls, the DoPropExchange method contains code that the ClassWizard adds to save your properties at design time so they can be reloaded at run-time.

Add code to the DoPropExchange method as follows. The last parameter to PX_Short is the propertys’ default values. Validate the initialization data to ensure that we are safe for initializing. It is possible for a container to pass an invalid value to the control, so it’s important to check it both here and in the Setter methods.

CProgressIndicatorCtrl::DoPropExchange(CPropExchange* pPX)
  ExchangeVersion(pPX, MAKELONG(_wVerMinor, _wVerMajor));
  // Set the defaults for the control's properties
  PX_Short( pPX, "Percent", m_percent, PERCENT_MIN );
  PX_Short( pPX, "Width", m_width, DEFAULT_WIDTH );
  PX_Short( pPX, "Height", m_height, DEFAULT_HEIGHT );
  if( pPX->IsLoading( ) )
    if( ( m_percent < PERCENT_MIN ) || ( m_percent > PERCENT_MAX ) )
      m_percent = PERCENT_MIN;
    if( m_width < 0 )
      m_width = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
    if( m_height < 0 )
      m_height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;


Stock Properties

There are some properties that are likely to be implemented so frequently that MFC provides standard implementations for them. These are called Stock properties.

Note: Stock properties use standard names and dispids that are reserved and should not be overridden by any control properties, events or methods that you create.

To use these properties, just add them to your control using the ClassWizard. MFC automatically provides persistence for these properties. You can check out the list of Stock Properties by looking up Stock Methods/Properties in the class member list for COleControl. You can use these predefined methods provided in COleControl to access these Stock properties.

Note: One important thing to remember about stock properties is that they are stored as OLE_COLOR, not as a COLORREF.

The ProgressIndicator example uses a couple of Stock Properties: BackColor and ForeColor. To add these stock properties, use the AddProperty button on ClassWizard’s Automation tab and select BackColor and ForeColor in the External Name drop-down box.

When you are done, ClassWizard will modify your dispatch map to include:


It will also modify your typelib source i.e., your .ODL file to include the following:

[id(DISPID_BACKCOLOR), bindable, requestedit] OLE_COLOR BackColor;
[id(DISPID_FORECOLOR), bindable, requestedit] OLE_COLOR ForeColor;

We can now go ahead and call GetBackColor and GetForeColor to get the colors to paint our control with. As mentioned above, these stock properties are automatically persistent.

Ambient Properties

Just as the control has Stock and Custom properties, the Containers too have Standard Ambient and Extended Ambient properties. These properties are therefore implemented by the ActiveX container rather than the control. These properties describe the ambience surrounding the control. You do not have to do anything to access these properties except call the appropriate methods.

Standard Ambient Properties

These are properties for which dispatch Ids are predefined by OLE. Most of these properties can be accessed by calling methods of COleControl. To access the few ones that do not have member functions to call use the GetAmbientProperty method present in COleControl.

Our ProgressIndicator example uses the ambient property BackColor to paint the area outside of the control to blend into the control’s background.

CProgressIndicatorCtrl::OnDraw( CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid )
  // erase background using container's background color
  CBrush brAmbientBack( TranslateColor( AmbientBackColor( ) ) );
  pdc->FillRect( rcBounds, &brAmbientBack );

  // draw the control
  DrawProgressControl( pdc, rcBounds );

In the above code snippet, AmbientBackColor reads the ambient background color. Since this returns an OLE_COLOR, it needs to be translated before we can create the brush for painting the background.

Extended Ambient Properties

Just as controls define their own custom properties, ActiveX containers too implement their own ambient properties. These properties are called extended Ambient Properties. If you know the property’s dispatch ID and its type, you can access it using the GetAmbientProperty method.

Change Notifications

Whenever ambient properties change, the control will be notified. In the ClassWizard’s Message Map tab, you will find the OnAmbientPropertyChange. If you want your control to respond and do something whenever this notification comes in, override OnAmbientPropertyChange. We have to override this method and repaint the control if the background color changes.

CProgressIndicatorCtrl::OnAmbientPropertyChange( DISPID dispid )
  // Force a repaint if ambient background changed or there were other
  // changes
  if( ( dispid == DISPID_AMBIENT_BACKCOLOR ) ||
    ( dispid == DISPID_UNKNOWN ) )
    InvalidateControl( );


The code checks and sees which notification we received. It then forces repaint of the control if the ambient background changed.

Note: Note here that even if more than one ambient property changes at a time, only one call to OnAmbientPropertyChange will be made.

The call to OnAmbientPropertyChange may also pass DISPID_UNKNOWN as the DISPID. We check for that situation and force a repaint just to be safe.


Methods allow the control user to call specific functionality within the control. Methods expose the function calls of a control. These are applied to the control through the IDispatch interaface. There are two types of methods, Custom methods and Stock methods.

Custom Methods

Most of the methods your control uses will be custom methods. Stock methods are implemented by MFC, Custom methods are implemented by you. There is only one custom method that our example has and it is implemented by the code generated by ClassWizard to display the AboutDialog.

CProgressIndicatorCtrl::AboutBox( void )

However, you can define as many custom methods that you want to extend the functionality of your control.

Stock Methods

MFC provides implementation for a couple of Stock methods. These methods can be easily added to your project using ClassWizard. You dont even have to write any code for these.

Note: The ActiveX control specification currently provides two standard methods that should be implemented in your control if it supports the behavior. These methods are Refresh and DoClick.

The ProgressIndicator control implements the Refresh stock method, which forces the control to redraw itself. To add the method to the control, use the Add Method button on the ClassWizard’s Automation tab and select Refresh in the External Name drop-down box. ControlWizard will modify your dispatch map to include:


It will also modify the Typelib source .ODL file to include :

[id(DISPID_REFRESH)] void Refresh();

This method is handy if the container knows it is drawn on top of the control and wants the control to redraw itself.


Events are notification messages passed to the container by the control when something of interest has happened. The control does this by "firing" an event, which the container can handle with its own code. Events are a very powerful addition to ActiveX controls. OLE Automation objects can only respond asynchronously while informing their containers that something happened. There are two types of Events, Custom Events and Stock Events.

Custom Events

You are aware that classes in JavaBeans can define new event types to send messages to one another. To implement user-defined or other events in JavaBeans, you derive your classes from the class java.util.EventObject. Similarly, Custom Events are events that are defined by the user and are specific to a particular ActiveX control. Many of the events that your control fires will be custom events. Custom events can pass parameters to provide more information about the situation that caused the event to be fired. The ProgressIndicator control has no custom events.

Stock Events

MFC provides some stock events, mainly having to do with mouse clicks and key presses. Two Stock events worth mentioning are the Error event which we will discuss in a bit, and the ReadyStateChanged event. The ReadyStateChanged event can be fired by your control to notify your container that its ready state has changed ( for instance from Loading to Interactive to Complete ). This can be useful if you need to download a lot of data before its ready to use the control.

Drawing our Control

Unlike other Windows programs, the drawing code for ActiveX controls must meet some special requirements.

Note: The bounding rectangle’s upper left corner is not guaranteed to be at (0, 0). It usually will be drawing a control that is in an active state.

The drawing code snippet is shown below.

CProgressIndicatorCtrl::OnDraw( CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid)
  // erase background using container's background color
  CBrush brAmbientBack( TranslateColor( AmbientBackColor( ) ) );
  pdc->FillRect( rcBounds, &brAmbientBack );
  // draw the control
  DrawProgressControl( pdc, rcBounds );

CProgressIndicatorCtrl::DrawProgressControl( CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds )
  CBrush brush;
  CRect rect = rcBounds;
  CBrush* pOldBrush = NULL;
  COLORREF crBackColor = GetBackColor( );
  COLORREF crForeColor = GetForeColor( );
  // set the height and width of the control to be drawn
  rect.right = rect.left + m_width;
  rect.bottom = + m_height;
  // Create a solid brush with background color
  if( brush.CreateSolidBrush( crBackColor ) == TRUE )
    // Select the brush into the Device Context and save the old one
    pOldBrush = ( CBrush* )pdc->SelectObject( &brush );
    pdc->RoundRect( rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom,10,10);
    brush.DeleteObject( );
    // Create a solid brush with foreground color
    if( brush.CreateSolidBrush( crForeColor ) == TRUE )
      // Select the brush into the Device Context and draw the
      // indicator
      pdc->SelectObject( &brush );
      int nWidth = ( m_width * m_percent )/100;
      pdc->RoundRect( rect.left,, ( rect.left+nWidth ),
        rect.bottom, 10, 10 );
      brush.DeleteObject( );
    // Restore the Old Brush to the Device Context
    pdc->SelectObject( pOldBrush );

Implementing Property pages

ActiveX controls support property pages so that the control’s properties can be easily modified. The default page generated by AppWizard is blank except for a static text control that informs you to implement a property page for your control. Creating a property page for an ActiveX control is even simpler than creating a dialog box in MFC, since the ClassWizard will write code to transfer data between your properties and your class members. To begin with, edit the dialog template to create the controls you like for your property dialog’s user-interface.

ProgressIndicator has three properties. The Percent, Width and Height properties. For each of these properties, we should add a static and edit control. Once we have the dialog template ready, adding the code is easy. In the ClassWizard’s Add Member Variable box, we have to name each of the member variables m_percent, m_width and m_height and tell it to what property it has to attach to. ClassWizard added all the code, added declarations in the header

short m_height;
short m_percent;
short m_width;

and initializations for the member variables.

CProgressIndicatorPropPage::CProgressIndicatorPropPage() :
  m_height    = 0;
  m_percent  = 0;
  m_width     = 0;

It also added the lines to the DoDataExchange method.

void CProgressIndicatorPropPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
  DDP_Text(pDX, IDC_HEIGHT, m_height, _T("Height") );
  DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_HEIGHT, m_height);
  DDP_Text(pDX, IDC_PERCENT, m_percent, _T("Percent") );
  DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PERCENT, m_percent);
  DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_percent, 0, 100);
  DDP_Text(pDX, IDC_WIDTH, m_width, _T("Width") );
  DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_WIDTH, m_width);

Message Handling

You can add message handlers to your window, which in this case is derived from COleControl. Handling Windows messages is very much like handling messages in any MFC application. The ProgressIndicator control does not respond to any Windows message.

Error Handling

Every control may need to communicate with its container and notify it of any errors. There are two ways of notifying the container of errors, depending on whether the code that detected the error is in a method call or not.

Within a method (including Get/Set methods), call COleControl::ThrowError. Our ProgressIndicator example does this if the property that is being set is invalid.

CProgressIndicatorCtrl::SetPercent( short nNewValue )
  if( ( nNewValue >= PERCENT_MIN ) && ( nNewValue <= PERCENT_MAX ) )
    m_percent = nNewValue;
    InvalidateControl( );
    SetModifiedFlag( );
    ThrowError( CTL_E_ILLEGALFUNCTIONCALL, "Percent parameter out range" );

In other situations such as code that processes Windows Messages, call COleControl::FireError.

Note: To call COleControl::FireError, you must add the Error stock event to your control

Caveat Emptor!

ActiveX code written using MFC is not small. If you are developing ActiveX controls that do not need the full functionality of an OLE control, you may be better off with another option ( either use ATL or BaseCtrl Framework ).

The other problem that you may run into is that to use an ActiveX control written using MFC, the correct version of MFC and C Runtime DLLs need to be installed on the user’s machine. It may be heartening to know that Internet Explorer ships with MFC DLLs. You can be assured that most users would have them installed on their machines already. You still should be prepared to provide these DLLs to users who do not use Internet Explorer.

Security Issues

Internet Explorer (IE) implements two mechanisms to ensure that users can load and run ActiveX controls without harming their systems. It does this by :

  1. Checking the signature of the code it installs. If the signature is missing or invalid, it notifies you and allows you to decide what to do.
  2. If your Web page attempts to script or initialize the control, the browser will ignore the control.

To get around the dialog boxes it pops up and to run at all in Internet Explorer, you must sign your control and mark it as safe.

Signing the code means you add data to the control so that IE can ascertain that

  1. The control has not been modified since it was signed
  2. The claimed author is actually the author.

Signing the code requires an electronic "certificate" issued by a "certificate authority". You must guard the private key that is provided to you carefully since if someone obtains them, they can sign their code in your name. You can read more about code signing in the ActiveX SDK documentation.

There are two methods for letting IE know that your control is safe:

  1. Manipulate the registry to include component categories for safety and add an entry to say that your control is safe or,
  2. Implement the IObjectSafety COM interface.

Registry Manipulation

A simple method for marking controls safe for scripting and initialization is to add the necessary entries to the registry. Although it is possible to do it by hand or with the .REG file, self-registering controls should do this automatically when they register. Since this topic is beyond the scope of this article, please refer to the ActiveX SDK documentation for additional information.

Implementing the IObjectSafety Interface

The other way to mark a control safe is by implementing the IObjectSafety interface. Although this is more complicated than the previous method, it has its own advantages. It allows the container to query the control using the GetInterfaceSafetyOptions to ensure that the control is safe. It also allows the control to make itself safe using the SetInterfaceSafetyOptions. This flexibility allows you to write your control to make itself operate both in safe and unsafe modes. If the container requests your control to be safe for scripting or initialization, your control can change modes and behave accordingly. If your container does’nt care about safety, your control can run in unsafe mode and exploit the power of the machine!!! Since further discussion of this topic is beyond the scope of this article, please refer to the ActiveX SDK documentation for additional information.

Running the control

The figure shows the ProgressIndicator ActiveX control in action. When the start simulation button is pressed, the simulation starts and the Progress bar moves from 0 to 100% and back to 0%. It keeps doing it till you either stop the simulation or exit the application. The source code for the simulation was written using Visual Basic 5.0 and it used our ProgressIndicator control. You should be able to find the source code for this simulation in the ProgressIndicator Test directory.

It is also possible to run this ActiveX control on a Web-Browser. The use of the ActiveX Control Pad was demonstrated to you in the previous article. You can use it to generate simple HTML code intermixed with either JavaScript or VBScript to create your Web pages. Find areas where you can use our ProgressIndicator control in your web applications as a small assignment! The HTML and Javascript code which demonstrates how you would use our control on a Web page should be found in ProgressIndicator.htm.

The Migration Assistant

Taligent, Inc., with support from JavaSoft has developed a tool that will allow anyone to convert their ActiveX components to JavaBeans.

This tool, called The Migration Assistant, uses ActiveX information available in the registry or a disk file, to create an equivalent bean with the same functionality as the original ActiveX control. It does this by creating a set of JavaBean methods, properties and enums to implement the same functionality. The Migration Assistant reads information from the ActiveX type library and creates a JavaBean component. The generated code skeleton maps property definitions in the ActiveX control to its Bean equivalent. It maps Windows-specific data types to their equivalent Java types.

VARIANT Type Windows-specific meaning Java type
VT_NULL NULL value null
VT_I2 2-byte signed integer short
VT_I4 4-byte signed integer or long int
VT_INT 4-byte integer int
VT_UINT unsigned integer int
VT_R4 4-byte read value float
VT_R8 8-byte real value double
VT_BSTR BSTR - binary string java.lang.String
VT_DISPATCH IDispatch FAR pointer java.util.EventObject
VT_BOOL Boolean boolean
VT_UNKNOWN IUnknown FAR pointer java.awt.Component
VT_I1 character char
VT_UI1 unsigned character byte
VT_UI2 unsigned 2-byte integer short
VT_UI4 unsigned 4-byte integer int

Figure : Shows a mapping of the VARIANT enumeration types to their Windows specific meaning and to their equivalent Java types.

In addition to creating accessor methods for the ActiveX control Properties, Migration Assistant also adds support for both Bound and Constrained Properties. It maps ActiveX Stock events to their respective Bean equivalents. It also adds support for event registration and deregistration. It does this by implementing the EventObject, the listener interface and user-defined objects.

This tool comes with an excellent graphical interface. It displays three categories of information about the ActiveX component to be converted. It shows its properties, methods, events and enums. You can select the elements you want to include in the final bean. You can either choose to produce a bean that implements the entire ActiveX component using default mappings or you may customize your output to create a customized bean.

Once the elements to migrate are selected, a 100% Java compatible bean framework is generated for your subsequent component implementation. The generated event code is fully compliant with JDK 1.1 and the JavaBean specification. The code incorporates the JavaBeans event handling model.

The bean is now ready to accept your component implementation code. This involves converting your C++ code to JavaBeans code and placing it into the generated bean framework.

Benefits to using the Migration Assistant

  1. This tool puts you on the fast track to converting your ActiveX and OCX controls to JavaBeans. It analyzes the existing ActiveX binary to create a skeletal JavaBean with all the bean equivalents of the original ActiveX interface. You get a headstart to converting your ActiveX components to a beans framework, without even writing a single line of code.
  2. Building components for both the ActiveX and JavaBean markets using one development technology is the most cost effective way to deliver to the existing marketplace and to gain a faster market presence in both technologies.
  3. With the promise of an open architecture and the ability to run the same source image on different platforms, JavaBeans is an ideal technology to cater to the widest class of clientele. This tool gives ActiveX developers an opportunity to port their ActiveX components to other platforms while still minimizing a lot of development effort.
  4. Having established its portability, security and usefulness in a networked world, Java is the language of choice for taking these existing powerful ActiveX components to other platforms. Migration Assistant makes it easy to get there.

Availability and Installation

The Migration Assistant can be downloaded from any of the three sites :

It is being packaged with Taligent’s VisualAge WebRunner Toolkit. JavaSoft has promised that future versions of the Bean Development Kit will include this tool. IBM’s VisualAge for Java will also come with this tool included.

Converting our ActiveX Control to a JavaBean

Let us now go through the steps to convert our ProgressIndicator ActiveX Control to a JavaBean.

Start-up the Migration Assistant from the Start menu. The Migration Assistant fires up.

Select our ActiveX control that needs to be migrated to a bean

  • From the File menu, choose the "Select OCX" menu option. You can also click the Select OCX icon on the toolbar. The Available Controls dialog box comes up.
  • The Available Controls dialog shows all the available controls installed on your machine. From this list, select the ProgressIndicator control. Alternatively, you can click on the Browse button in this dialog box to bring up an Open dialog from where you can select a .ocx or .tlb file directly.
  • As soon as you click on OK to close the dialog box, the properties, methods, events and enum interfaces of the ActiveX control chosen appear on the left-hand list boxes of the Migration Assistant window.

Select the control’s interfaces that you wish to migrate.
  • From the list boxes titled Available... in the Migration Assistant dialog box, choose all the interfaces that you wish to migrate. To add interfaces one at a time to the list of interfaces selected for migration, click on the interface item and then the Add button. The interface will be added to the Selected Interfaces list on the right hand side of the dialog box.
  • To remove an interface from the Selected Interfaces list, select the entry in the list and then click the Remove button.
  • To examine the details of the properties, methods or enums associated with an interface, simply select the interface in either the Available or Selected interface lists. The details will appear
  • In our case, let us add all the available interfaces to the list of interfaces selected for migration. Simply click on the Add All button. All the Available Interfaces will be added to the Selected interface list.
  • Notice that there is a Package Name edit box. The default package name is ocx. Fill in the Package Name text field with the name you wish the package to have.

Ask the tool to generate the bean files.

  • Go to the File menu, choose Generate JavaBean. You can also click the Generate JavaBean icon on the toolbar.
  • In the Save Dialog box, specify the directory into which you wish the generated files placed and then click OK. The Migration Assistant’s status bar will read "Code Generation complete" when this operation is over.
  • The target directory will now contain the generated source files and a build .bat file.

Problems with the generated code

The source that is generated by Migration Assistant looks like this:

package ocx;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.beans.*;
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Dispatch interface for ProgressIndicator Control
// ------------------------------------------------------
public class PROGRE_1 extends Component {
 public void Refresh( ) {
 public void AboutBox( ) {
 // Getters
 public short getPercent() { return m_Percent; }
 public short get_Percent() { return m__Percent; }
 // Note: BackColor was skipped as it is already defined in Component
 // Note: ForeColor was skipped as it is already defined in Component
 public short getWidth() { return m_Width; }
 public short getHeight() { return m_Height; }
 // Setters
 public void setPercent( short Percent ) {
  m_Percent = Percent;
 public void set_Percent( short _Percent ) {
  m__Percent = _Percent;
 public void setWidth( short Width ) {
  m_Width = Width;
 public void setHeight( short Height ) {
  m_Height = Height;
 // Member variables
 private short m_Percent;
 private short m__Percent;
 private short m_Width;
 private short m_Height;

The code that is generated by Migration Assistant needs modification in order for it to completely mimic the original ActiveX control. So Java code will have to be added to make this bean fully functional.

// Setters
 public void setPercent( short Percent ) {
  m_Percent = Percent;

 // Note: BackColor was skipped as it is already defined in Component
 // Note: ForeColor was skipped as it is already defined in Component

Making it a Complete Bean

The first thing that we may have to do is define our constants. Under the Member variables section, add the following piece of code.

final int PERCENT_MIN = 0;
final int PERCENT_MAX = 100;
final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 200;
final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 100;

Now we may add validation to our Setter methods like this. Notice that as soon as we set the values, we call the invalidate method which forces the control to paint itself.

 public void setPercent( short Percent ) {
  if( ( Percent >= PERCENT_MIN ) && ( Percent <= PERCENT_MAX ) ) {
   m_Percent = Percent;
   invalidate( );

Our next job is to add the paint so that the control can redraw itself.

 public void paint( Graphics g ) {
  int nWidth = 0;
  g.setColor( m_BackColor );
  g.fillRect( 0, 0, m_Width, m_Height );
  g.setColor( );
  g.drawRect( 0, 0, m_Width, m_Height );
  g.setColor( m_ForeColor );
  nWidth = ( m_Width * m_Percent )/100;
  g.fillRect( 0, 0, nWidth, m_Height );

The finished code looks like this. Code fragments that are indicated in Bold is code that we need to add to the generated skeletal code.

package ocx;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.beans.*;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ProgressIndicator
// Dispatch interface for ProgressIndicator Control
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public class ProgressIndicator extends Component {
 public ProgressIndicator () {
  m_Percent = 0;
  m_Width = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
  m_Height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
  m_BackColor =;
  m_ForeColor =;

 public void Refresh () {

 public void AboutBox () {
 // Getters
 public short getPercent ()   { return m_Percent; }
 public short getWidth ()     { return m_Width; }
 public short getHeight ()    { return m_Height; }
 public Color getBackColor () { return m_BackColor; }
 public Color getForeColor () { return m_ForeColor; }
 // Setters
 public void setPercent( short Percent ) {
  if( ( Percent >= PERCENT_MIN ) && ( Percent <= PERCENT_MAX ) ) {
   m_Percent = Percent;
   invalidate( );
 public void setWidth( short Width ) {
  if( Width >= 0 ) {
   m_Width = Width;
   setSize( m_Width, m_Height );
   System.out.println( m_Width );
   invalidate( );
 public void setHeight( short Height ) {
  if( Height >= 0 ) {
   m_Height = Height;
   setSize( m_Width, m_Height );
   System.out.println( m_Height );
   invalidate( );
 public void setForeColor( Color ForeColor ) {
  m_ForeColor = ForeColor;
  repaint( );
 public void setBackColor( Color BackColor ) {
  m_BackColor = BackColor;
  repaint( );
 public void paint( Graphics g ) {
  int nWidth = 0;
  g.setColor( m_BackColor );
  g.fillRect( 0, 0, m_Width, m_Height );
  g.setColor( );
  g.drawRect( 0, 0, m_Width, m_Height );
  g.setColor( m_ForeColor );
  nWidth = ( m_Width * m_Percent )/100;
  g.fillRect( 0, 0, nWidth, m_Height );
 // Member variables
 final int PERCENT_MIN     = 0;
 final int PERCENT_MAX     = 100;
 final int DEFAULT_WIDTH   = 200;
 final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT  = 100;
 private short m_Percent   = 0;
 private short m_Width     = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
 private short m_Height    = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
 private Color m_BackColor =;
 private Color m_ForeColor =;

Build the code with the javac compiler and create the ProgressIndicator.class file.

Running our Bean in a Beanbox

Once you are done modifying the code, you may need to write a stub file like this one. Create a file called Stub and type in the following code.

Manifest-Version 1.0
Name: ocx/ProgressIndicator.class
Java-Bean: True

Now that you have both the stub file and the .class file, you can package your bean to run it in the beanbox. At the command prompt, type in the following to create a jar file for your bean.

jar cfn ProgressIndicator.jar stub ocx

Here is how our converted bean looks like on the beanbox.


In this article, we went through one whole cycle of creating a simple, yet fully functional ActiveX control and converting it to a fully functional JavaBean which was 100% Java compatible. We illustrated the process by creating a simple Progress Indicator ActiveX control using Visual C++ and converting it to a JavaBean using The Migration Assistant. We worked with the generated code to create the Progress Indicator Bean. We packaged it and ran it in the Beanbox.


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This site was developed and is maintained by Gopalan Suresh Raj

This page was first put up on December 4, 1997. It has since been visited times.

Last Updated : Jan 31, '98

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