are some features that are fundamental to any
technology which supports distributed component
development. When it comes to component building and
assembling, some of the fundamental features are:
of interface from the implementation |
of Location |
Exception Handling mechanism |
Object Services |
Separation of Interface from
the Implementation
DCOM and CORBA define an Interface Definition
Language (IDL) for use by component developers to
specify a component's interface independant of a
programming language. A component user only needs the
IDL of the interface to invoke a function defined in
that component. Component developers have the
flexibility to develop the component implementation
in any programming language of their choice.
Transparency of Location
Both DCOM and CORBA allow components
developed using these technologies to communicate in
a distributed heterogenous environment. Given a valid
object within a client process, it is the object
technology's responsibility to locate the server
object in the distributed environment and to control
subsequent communication between both distributed
objects. Location transparency is guaranteed through
the use of the proxy-stub mechanism.
Uniform Exception Handling schema
For any object which runs on a
heterogenous distributed environment, a uniform,
descriptive, elaborate Exception Handling mechanism
is necessary. In DCOM, each method call returns a
well-defined "flat" structure whose bit
settings encode the return status. In CORBA,
exception handling is taken care of by Exception
Objects. When a distributed object throws an
exception object, the ORB transparently transports
this object to the client process. By checking the
existence and type of the returned object, the client
can determine whether or not an exception occured.
Microsoft has however announced that a future version
of DCOM would support an exception handling mechanism
based on exception objects.
Component Object Services
In addition to transparent invocation
of requests both DCOM and CORBA come with a
complementary set of fundamental component services.
Object querying, Object Persistence, Naming, Trading
and transaction management for objects are some of
the important ones.
The availability of these and other
such features simplify component development and help
accelerate the development of robust, self-managing