The Microsoft Message
Queue Server, code named the Falcon is a Message
Oriented Middleware that was designed with just one
purpose in mind - fast, reliable asynchronous
electronic communication. It also ensures guaranteed
message delivery, receipt notification and
transaction control.
is a message?
A message is a unit
of information or data that is sent from a process
running on one computer to other processes running on
the same or different computers on the network.
Oriented Middleware (MOM for short), reduce the complexity
involved in developing applications that span
multiple operating systems and networking protocols
by insulating the application developer from the
details of the various operating systems and network
interfaces by providing APIs that extend across
diverse platforms and networks. MOMs increase the
flexibility of an architecture by enabling
applications to exchange messages with other programs
without having to know what platform or processor the
other application resides on within the network.
and where do we need MSMQ?
Store and Forward Communication: MSMQ enables
applications to send requests to other
applications - on the same or a different
network - that are not expected to be running
or reachable at the same time. |
Defensive Communication: In environments
connected by LANs, applications are protected
by MSMQ against communication losses when the
network fails, be tolerant of normal peaks
and valleys of demand and demonstrate
excellent performance when networks are
working properly. |
Concurrent Execution: MSMQ allow
applications to send requests to many
different receivers without waiting for
responses, wait for the receivers to process
the requests in parallel and process results
when all the response messages have arrived,
or whenever is convenient. |
Journalled communication: When the journaling
feature is enabled for a given queue, MSMQ
automatically makes a copy of each message
handled in a journal queue. This facilitates
logging, auditing and recovery in
network-based applications. |
Connectionless communication: With MSMQ, receiving
applications can forward messages to other
applications by simply resending the same
message to a different queue ( or destination
) or by sending the same message several
times to any number of other receivers. This
is regardless of whether or not they are
currently running. |
Some of the important features
of MSMQ are :
Guaranteed Message Delivery - Applications sending
messages between each other need not even be
connected to the network at the same time.
MSMQ guarantees that the messages will be
delivered as soon as the network connections
are established and the receiving application
issues a request for sent messages. You will
be able to appreciate this better if you
realize that any other solution would require
that the two systems be up and accessible to
each other at the same time. |
Asynchronous communication - Once a client
application sends out a message to a
receiving application, MSMQ allows the client
application to handle other tasks without
waiting for a response from the receiving
application |
Transaction support - MSMQ
supports transactions and is also tightly
integrated with MTS. When MTS is present, MTS
services automatically participate in an MSMQ
transaction. |
One time, in-order delivery - MSMQ guarantees
that each message will be delivered once and
only once and that the messages are received
in the order in which they are sent |
Message routing services -
These services give the client app the
ability to send messages to their destination
using least-cost routing. The administrator
only needs to define the cost of each route,
and MSMQ will automatically calculate the
most economical path for the message.
Moreover, this routing is capable of
eliminating single points of failure. Hence,
MSMQ can reroute around network problems.
This is very helpful if you are dealing with
unreliable networks such as the internet. |
Notification services - Even
though MSMQ allows messages to be sent
asynchronously freeing up the client app, in
some instances, the sending app may want to
be notified whether the message was received
successfully. So, MSMQ also allows the sender
the option to review resoponses, let another
app handle them or just completely ignore
them. MSMQ can also journal messages to
provide audit trails. |
Dynamic configuration |
High scalability |
ActiveX suport - In
addition to the API provided, Microsoft has
also provided an ActiveX interface that
allows the user to access most of the MSMQ
functionality. |
Integration with Windows NT
Security System - MSMQ is able to
layer into the Window NT security subsystem,
leveraging the NT Access Control List
facility for controlling queue access. |
Support for MAPI, MS Exchange
and other products - MSMQ
comes with a MAPI transport provider and an
MSMQ Exchange Connector to integrate with
other messaging utilities like the MAPI or
the MS Exchange. Furthur more, MS in
conjunction with Level 8 Systems has
developed a product called FalconMQ that
extends MSMQ to platforms like AS/400, Unix,
MVS, VMS, OS/2 and UNISYS. FalconMQ also
provides interoperability with IBM's MQSeries
products as well as IBM's CICS Transient Data
Queue on MVS. |
allows messages to be delivered in two ways. Express
messages are
stored in memory whereas, Recoverable
messages are
stored in disk storage. MSMQ stores these messages in
holding areas called Queues. Messages can be assigned
priorities and messages are routed and delivered
based first on queue priority and then by message
All systems
interoperate within one MSMQ Enterprise. The enterprise is subdivided
into Sites. All the systems within a
site do not have to run the same network protocol or
even be able to directly communicate with each other.
connect one site to the other sites within an
Enterprise. Administrators can assign Site
Link Costs and while transporting a message, MSMQ
will choose the currently available routing path with
the lowest overall site cost.
All systems in an
MSMQ Enterprise access information from a common MSMQ
Information Store (MQIS). The MQIS is a distributed
database that holds the enterprise topology,
enterprise settings, computer information and queue
information. MSMQ-based apps can query the MQIS to
find queues and obtain their properties.
There are two types
of queues in MSMQ. Public queues are those that are published
in the MQIS and are replicated throughout the
Enterprise. They can hence be located by any computer
on the Enterprise. Private queues on the other hand are not
published in the MQIS and can only be accessed by
systems that have access to the full path name or
format name of the queue.
All systems that are
present in an MSMQ Enterprise can be classified into Servers, Dependant Clients and Independant
Clients. The
Servers can be furthur subdivided into Primary
Enterprise Controler(PEC), Primary Site
Controller(PSC), Backup Site Controller (BSC) and MSMQ
Routing Server.
The PEC server
contains information about the enterprise
configuration and the configuration keys that are
used to authenticate messages. The PSC server which
is installed, one for each Site, contains information
about about the computers and queues in the site and
also functions as an MSMQ routing server. The MSMQ
Routing Servers support dynamic routing and immediate
store-and forward message queueing. They allow
computers using different protocols to communicate.
The BSCs installed at
each site provide load balancing and failure recovery
should the PSC or PEC fail. The BSC holds a read-only
replica of the PSC or PEC database and also functions
as the MSMQ Routing Server.
The MSMQ independant
clients are installed on machines running Windows
95/98, NT Workstations or NT Servers. They can create
and modify queues locally and send and receive
messages. They can also create queues and store
messages on the local computer without synchronous
access to an MSMQ server.
The main difference
between independant clents and servers is that the
independant clients do not have the store-and forward
capability of the MSMQ servers, nor do they store
information from the distributed MQIS database.
MSMQ dependant
clients function very much like independant clients
except that they cannot function without the
synchronous support of the MSMQ servers.
The entire MSMQ
Enterprise can be managed through the MSMQ
The MSMQ Explorer provides an interface for managing
all machines in a MSMQ environment from a single
point of control.